In April, 2015 an Agent with a federal agency located in Texas pulled over a vehicle suspected of carrying illegal narcotics. During the stop the Agent soon discovered that the female suspect was in the process of transporting 2 pounds of marijuana in her vehicle over to a buyer in the city.
While the suspect was in custody away from her vehicle the Agent noticed numerous incoming text messages on the suspect’s phone from an anonymous cell phone number demanding to know when the shipment would arrive. The Agent had recently picked up Whooster through a fellow law enforcement official in San Antonio and decided to reverse the cell phone number through Whooster’s text messaging program. In less than 5 seconds, the Agent received the first and last name of the intended buyer along with his current address which was no more than a few blocks away from the Agent’s location. He was then able to quickly go over to the location to apprehend the buyer and confiscate the $10,000 in cash intended for the drug purchase.
How Whooster Helped
By utilizing Whooster’s reverse cell append service via text messaging the Agent gained valuable time to not only identify, but also locate a marijuana buyer in a matter of seconds. The turnaround time from the initial stop of the female suspect transporting the marijuana to the eventual arrest of the buyer took place so quickly that he was not suspicious of any foul play. This is a great example to show the intended product design for Whooster… when speed and accuracy count.
For law enforcement that time is critical, and in this case, the federal agent was able to get the marijuana and $10,000 in cash off the street in one fell swoop.