Introducing Whooster NightWatch – A New Era in Combating Human Trafficking

Free Access to NightWatch for Law Enforcement

For all current Whooster data subscribers, NightWatch is a free search/dataset available within the WebUI. If you’re not a current data subscriber, you can access NightWatch for free via SMS and are also welcome to try a full trial of Whooster Data.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Whooster NightWatch, a groundbreaking feature integrated into the Whooster WebUI platform. This innovative tool is the result of a strategic alliance with DeliverFund, and it marks a significant milestone in our mission to combat human trafficking. Whooster NightWatch is designed to uncover and disrupt the illicit activities of traffickers, providing law enforcement with the critical data and insights needed to protect vulnerable populations.

Empowering the Fight Against Human Trafficking:

Our partnership with DeliverFund combines Whooster’s advanced data analytics with DeliverFund’s extensive expertise in fighting human trafficking. DeliverFund is a nonprofit intelligence agency dedicated to equipping law enforcement with the training and technology necessary to combat human trafficking on a large scale. Together, we are committed to providing law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to dismantle trafficking networks and safeguard those at risk.

Whooster NightWatch: A Closer Look at Its Capabilities:

Whooster NightWatch goes beyond traditional data analytics, offering a comprehensive suite of specialized data designed to decode the complex operations of human traffickers. Here’s what makes NightWatch so powerful:

  • Illicit Ad Tracking: Uncover both current and historical red-light advertisements across adult-only and dark web platforms, providing unparalleled visibility into traffickers’ operations.
  • Phone and Email Tracing: Gain rapid access to contact information tied to suspicious ads, creating a direct pathway to the source of illicit activities.
  • Behavioral Scoring: Employ a dynamic scoring system to evaluate risk levels, prioritizing law enforcement focus on the most imminent threats.
  • Digital Footprint Mapping: Delve into traffickers’ online behaviors and patterns through exhaustive analysis of their web presence.
  • Ad History and Volume: Track ad frequencies and timelines to establish operational patterns and scale, offering crucial insights into traffickers’ methods.
  • Telecommunications Tracking: Access in-depth telecom data, including real-time updates, to trace traffickers’ movements and communication strategies effectively.

Accessing Whooster NightWatch:

Current Whooster users can easily access NightWatch within the Whooster WebUI at or via SMS. This feature is included for free as part of their data subscription.

NightWatch Data Integration:

When you run searches on the Whooster platform—such as basic phone, basic phone plus, advanced phone, social media phone, and social media email—you’ll find a NightWatch results data box under the preliminary search results.

NightWatch results data box in a basic phone search on Whooster WebUI, displaying risk scores and record counts for human trafficking connections.

NightWatch results integrated within a basic phone search, showing risk scores and record counts.

In this data box, you’ll find a preview of essential information, including:

  • Score: Likelihood that the phone number or email is connected to human trafficking.
  • Record Count: Number of illicit ads historically linked to the phone number or email.
  • Website: The most recent website where an ad was displayed.
  • Oldest Date Collected: The earliest date when data was collected.
  • Newest Date Collected: The most recent date when data was collected.
  • Option to Run a Full NightWatch Data Search: Click the ‘Go to NightWatch Search’ button for more details.

Running a Full NightWatch Search:

Let’s dive deeper and run a full NightWatch search to see the extent of the information you can access. Initiating a full NightWatch search unlocks a treasure trove of comprehensive data, which includes:

Detailed NightWatch search results on Whooster WebUI, showing extensive information on illicit advertisements and associated data.

Full NightWatch search results, providing detailed information on illicit ads and associated data.

  • Names: Identify the individuals associated with the ad profiles.
  • Phone Numbers: View all phone numbers linked to the ad profile.
  • Email Addresses: Access email addresses connected to the profile.
  • Age: See the reported ages in the advertisements.
  • All Reviews: Read all reviews associated with the ads.
  • Article Title: The headline or title of the advertisement.
  • Article Body: The full text content of the advertisement.
  • Website: The websites where the ads were posted.
  • URL: Direct links to the advertisements.
  • Payment Types: Information on payment methods used.
  • Rates: Pricing details mentioned in the ads.
  • Services: Descriptions of services offered in the ads.
  • Addresses: Physical addresses linked to the phone numbers.
  • Date Collected, Date Posted, Date Removed: Timeline data showing when the ads were collected, posted, and removed.
  • Image: Blurred images by default due to sensitivity, with an option to unblur.

Downloading Results:

You can download the ad information in PDF, CSV, or Excel format, with an option to include or exclude images.

DeliverFund Collaboration:

DeliverFund is a nonprofit intelligence agency that equips law enforcement with training and technology to fight human trafficking at scale. Their RedLight dataset, which consists of millions of online ads, plays a crucial role in identifying trafficking activities and developing leads.

Whooster NightWatch is a powerful new tool in our shared fight against human trafficking. By leveraging the comprehensive data and insights it provides, we can make significant strides in identifying and combating these heinous activities. Together, with DeliverFund, we stand at the forefront of a safer future, determined to bring light to the darkest corners of our society.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in this critical mission. Let’s work together to protect the dignity and innocence of victims everywhere.